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Paper Sculpture

An upcoming project I have been working on utilizing various papers and cards to form interlacing and overlapping coloured layers to create a unstable optical effect that draws the eye to the centre of the piece. As its a work in progress the form and structure will evolve as I refine the technique to achieve it's greatest effect.

Ive been inspired by the work of Zarah Hussein and Julien Valee. Zarah's work is currently exhibited at The Barbican, London. Her work explores the Islamic art and 'she has spent many years perfecting the traditional techniques for creating mathematically precise, geometric art and then adapting them to produce unique works with a contemporary resonance across a range of disciplines' (zarahhussein.co.uk

Julien Vallé's work is amazing and his projects reinvigorated my love of paper craft after seeing his installations for Zurich Festival, his bold use of colour and contrasting shapes/patterns have spurred me on to push my ideas. (check out their work - www.valleeduhamel.com)

Here is a few 'in progress' pics of some ideas I've been playing with of late, concentric shapes compounded on multiple layers, using a restrained colour palette.

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